Out of the Woods: Women’s Recovery Retreat 2024

A weekend for women in recovery—all ages and all programs—at Pyramid Life Center in Paradox, NY

Join author and teacher, Diane Cameron for a weekend of inspiration and fellowship for all recovering women. This retreat is for women of all ages, from all recovery programs. Bring your friends, your sponsor, your sponsee.

You can look forward to meeting a fabulous group of women and lots of sharing, learning, and laughter. We’ll talk about our traditional recovery process and lots of new ideas and ways of living our recovery. We’ll touch on all the things that come up in our recovery lives: transferring addictions, making a spiritual life, relationships, money, our work, our bodies and how we get ready to get older.

This weekend retreat will include an opening session on Friday night after dinner, three “conferences” on Saturday, and a closing session on Sunday. Additional optional sessions include writing, yoga dance, and spiritual direction, plus the centerpiece of Pyramid Life Center: the stunning beauty of the lake and mountains.

Many have called Pyramid Lake one of the “thin places” where heaven touches the earth. So, you will have time to enjoy nature walks and the waterfront to swim, kayak or canoe.

For more information on housing or registration, contact Pyramid Life Center. For questions about the weekend schedule and the optional sessions, please call Diane Cameron at 518-269-2255.

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